The Role of the Elevator Consultant
An Elevator Consultant takes a technical view of your elevator and escalator systems, measuring performance by examining some specific factors. As an unbiased observer, the elevator consultant checks to ensure that preventative maintenance is being provided properly by the Elevator Contractor; and provides an impartial evaluation of the overall system. The consultant’s professional observations are valuable in diagnosing equipment problems and evaluating equipment conditions to recommend any maintenance and/or upgrade work that may be necessary. Addtionally, the consultant’s evaluations and inspections ensure that required repairs are performed and adjustments are made in order for the elevator system to operate properly, efficiently, and safely. The evaluations/surveys also include analysis of the overall performance of the system (which includes measuring acceleration and deceleration rates, door operations, and “flight time”). Consultants evaluate performance against the capability of the building’s equipment, as well as industry standards.
The Elevator Consultant acts as the building Owner/Manager/Agent’s representative to ensure that the premises is receiving the best and most cost-efficient vertical transportation service available for that particular type of dwelling.
When warranted, the Elevator Consultant prepares upgrade work specifications, in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. The specifications are then distributed to selected qualified elevator contractors for competitive bidding purposes.
Among many other consulting services, we provide the following general services:
Pre-purchase surveys, with cost projections
Comprehensive vertical transportation system evaluations
Code compliance guidance and updating
Maintenance quality control evaluations
Preparation of work specifications and related documents
Preparation of modernization and maintenance contracts
Conduct Traffic Analysis, and provide detailed report with data obtained
Elevator inspections mandated by governing authorities (where applicable)
Perform energy conservation evaluations and provide recommendations
Obtaining work permits, and other relevant documents from the NYC Dept. of Buildings
Tracking and managing elevator violations for devices located in five boroughs of the New York City area